domingo, 8 de mayo de 2011

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory!!!

Hola y saludos a todos, les mando abrazos a todos y cada uno de ustedes.

Me han de disculpar que el día de hoy voy a publicar un escrito que lo integré ayer en un rato libre que logré exprimir pero esta en Inglés, discúlpenme que lo haya escrito en Inglés pero por la situación y el lugar donde me encuentro me es mas fácil pensar y escribir en Inglés, ojala ustedes lo entiendan y si no pues háganmelo saber y se los traduzco tan pronto como me sea posible, ojala sea mañana, por lo pronto háganle la luchita, o si hay alguien con el conocimiento y el tiempo que se requiere para hacerlo pues echeme una manita con eso, si no nomás ténganme un poco de paciencia y hay lo haré.

" If a person just did nothing (or did nothing to change the way things are currently progressing) they would be assured a victory.

A person snatches defeat from the jaws of victory by saying or doing something that will UNDERMINE everything that has occurred up to that time.

And... They end up defeating themselves! "

Snatching defeat from the jaws of victory is never pleasant to observe, especially when it is a US President (or should I say King?) doing the snatching. King Obama was running strong: 1. He just announced that the Marine Lt. Gen. John Allen is taking over the Afghan campaign, 2. He launched a unilateral direct action mission deep into Pakistan to kill Bin Laden. This bold move, in view of what we have seen from king Obama during the uprisings in Egypt, Syria, Yemen, Bahrain, Iran and Libya, was decidedly out of character. Then came the press conference, and what should have been a moment of national unity and catharsis has festered into a case study in self-inflicted PR wounds (public relations wounds). Only the Osama’s obituary (and that was “courtesy” of Al Qaeda) has managed to quell most of what were increasing doubts in the entire world that Osama Bin Laden is really dead when there was no doubt about it on Monday. Even worse, the story has now begun to focus on the legality of the assaulters shooting a “poor unarmed” Bin Laden hiding behind the skirt of one of his wifes. It seems to me that king Obama will exit this news cycle with lower numbers of approval then he entered it with, which to me is a stunning accomplishment of monumental incompetence.

I watched Obama’s news conference live on the internet and it sure was the strangest “Presidential” announcement I have ever seen. He could have buttressed his leadership role more forcibly had he confined his remarks to the remarkable efforts of the thousands of people working on this extremely important mission for the past 7+ years. Boasting that he had absolute confidence in the military at all times to enact this bold plan, even when they lost one of their insert helicopters but they still completed the mission and extracted the entire team without delay or injuries. That would have reflected the boldness of his personal decision for all the fucking world to see without him saying anything about himself. But NO! King Obama couldn’t bring himself to do that… Then his “team” in the White House started leaking details about the mission, which even now are changing daily. They had no need to elaborate one damn aspect of the mission, just say: Because of the intelligence gathered by the CIA in Pakistan and Afghanistan we sent in to Pakistan the US NAVY SEALs, they shot Osama Bin Laden in the face, took his body, dumped it into the ocean, didn’t take any casualties and left his women and children (minus his adult son) alive. That is all they had to say; the huge advantage of employing the CIA, the NSA, the USSOCOM and JSOC is that all of us have Top Secret security clearances and cannot (nor would not) leak any details to anyone outside of our elite community. The fleshed out story of what happened will come out in time but right now nobody needs to know the details. The mission was impressive enough; the less you say the better, especially because we caught Pakistan with their pants down but we still need them very much, well that is if we plan to feed and equip the 200,000+ troops and contractors currently in Afghanistan.

Next day when the Pakistanis said that there were no weapons on the men in Bin Laden’s compound, Obama could merely have replied: "Of course NOT, because my men, the US NAVY SEALs took all the weapons with them, and by the way, that little AK-47 that Osama was so fond and proud of being photographed with all the time? Well, I’m having the US NAVY SEALs fly it down to President Bush as a fitting addition to his Presidential library for the work he did to hunt him down". How presidential would Obama appear now if he had said that?

Killing Bin Laden is, using the words of his brilliant Vice President, a “Big Fucking Deal”. It leaves the government of Pakistan with a lot of explaining to do, it enables us to define a more acceptable end state, it should allow us to send in our best civilian/military team with a plan to scale down our massive involvement in Afghanistan and get most of our people out of here. Boy howdy!!! This raid has put us squarely in the driver’s seat big time, but NO! In stead, now it is the stupid Obama administration doing the explaining, changing, rearranging their story, spinning like tops and one has to wonder why?

Well here is why: It took King Obama 16 fucking hours to make the decision; we were ready to go as early as Thursday. That was not the end of the world, it was a tough decision to take we know; a lot of things could have gone wrong, but 16 fucking hours? Come on!!!! Why?!!!! Do you want to know why?

Check this out: This is an information leak from one person of our king’s team in the White House, you know, one of those so called “Washington Insiders”, and no, don’t worry it is not Top Secret, I’m sure you can find it somewhere in the internet, it is an interview that a reporter did to the so called “Secret Washington Insider”, these following two parts made me smile, and are my favorites.

“I was told – in these exact terms, “we overruled him.” (Obama) I have since followed up and received further details on exactly what that meant, as well as the specifics of how Leon Panetta worked around the president’s “persistent hesitation to act.” There appears NOT to have been an outright overruling of any specific position by President Obama, simply because there was no specific position from the president to do so. President Obama was, in this case, as in all others, working as an absentee president.”

"What Valerie Jarrett, and the president, did not know is that Leon Panetta had already initiated a program that reported to him –and only him, involving a covert on the ground attack against the compound."

Now, here we go, I’m going to copy-paste the interview:


Note: This update comes some 24 hours after our longtime Washington D.C. Insider first outlined shocking details of an Obama administration having been “overruled” by senior military and intelligence officials leading up to the successful attack against terrorist Osama Bin Laden. What follows is further clarification of Insider’s insights surrounding that event.

Question: You stated that President Obama was “overruled” by military and intelligence officials regarding the decision to send in military specialists into the Osama Bin Laden compound. Was that accurate?

Answer: I was told – in these exact terms, “we overruled him.” (Obama) I have since followed up and received further details on exactly what that meant, as well as the specifics of how Leon Panetta worked around the president’s “persistent hesitation to act.” There appears NOT to have been an outright overruling of any specific position by President Obama, simply because there was no specific position from the president to do so. President Obama was, in this case, as in all others, working as an absentee president.

I was correct in stating there had been a push to invade the compound for several weeks if not months, primarily led by Leon Panetta, Hillary Clinton, Robert Gates, David Petraeus, and Jim Clapper. The primary opposition to this plan originated from Valerie Jarrett, and it was her opposition that was enough to create uncertainty within President Obama. Obama would meet with various components of the pro-invasion faction, almost always with Jarrett present, and then often fail to indicate his position. This situation continued for some time, though the division between Jarrett/Obama and the rest intensified more recently, most notably from Hillary Clinton. She was livid over the president’s failure to act, and her office began a campaign of anonymous leaks to the media indicating such. As for Jarrett, her concern rested on two primary fronts. One: that the military action could fail and harm the president’s already weakened standing with both the American public and the world. Second: that the attack would be viewed as an act of aggression against Muslims, and further destabilize conditions in the Middle East.

Question: What changed the president’s position and enabled the attack against Osama Bin Laden to proceed?

Answer: Nothing changed with the president’s opinion – he continued to avoid having one. Every time military and intelligence officials appeared to make progress in forming a position, Jarrett would intervene and the stalling would begin again. Hillary started the ball really rolling as far as pressuring Obama began, but it was Panetta and Petraeus who ultimately pushed Obama to finally act – sort of. Panetta was receiving significant reports from both his direct CIA sources, as well as Petraeus-originating Intel. Petraeus was threatening to act on his own via a bombing attack. Panetta reported back to the president that a bombing of the compound would result in successful killing of Osama Bin Laden, and little risk to American lives. Initially, as he had done before, the president indicated a willingness to act. But once again, Jarrett intervened, convincing the president that innocent Pakistani lives could be lost in such a bombing attack, and Obama would be left attempting to explain Panetta’s failed policy. Again Obama hesitated – this time openly delaying further meetings to discuss the issue with Panetta. A brief meeting was held at this time with other officials, including Secretary Gates and members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, but Gates, like Panetta, was unable to push the president to act. It was at this time that Gates indicated to certain Pentagon officials that he may resign earlier than originally indicated – he was that frustrated. Both Panetta and Clinton convinced him to stay on and see the operation through.

What happened from there is what was described by me as a “masterful manipulation” by Leon Panetta. Panetta indicated to Obama that leaks regarding knowledge of Osama Bin Laden’s location were certain to get out sooner rather than later, and action must be taken by the administration or the public backlash to the president’s inaction would be “…significant to the point of political debilitation.” It was at that time that Obama stated an on-ground campaign would be far more acceptable to him than a bombing raid. This was intended as a stalling tactic, and it had originated from Jarrett. Such a campaign would take both time, and present a far greater risk of failure. The president had been instructed by Jarrett to inform Mr., Panetta that he would have sole discretion to act against the Osama Bin Laden compound. Jarrett believed this would further delay Panetta from acting, as the responsibility for failure would then fall almost entirely on him. What Valerie Jarrett, and the president, did not know is that Leon Panetta had already initiated a program that reported to him –and only him, involving a covert on the ground attack against the compound. Basically, the whole damn operation was already ready to go – including the specific team support Intel necessary to engage the enemy within hours of being given notice. Panetta then made plans to proceed with an on-ground assault. This information reached either Hillary Clinton or Robert Gates first (likely via military contacts directly associated with the impending mission) who then informed the other. Those two then met with Panetta, who informed each of them he had been given the authority by the president to proceed with a mission if the opportunity presented itself. Both Gates and Clinton warned Panetta of the implications of that authority – namely he was possibly being made into a scapegoat. Panetta admitted that possibility, but felt the opportunity to get Bin Laden outweighed that risk. During that meeting, Hillary Clinton was first to pledge her full support for Panetta, indicating she would defend him if necessary. Similar support was then followed by Gates. The following day, and with Panetta’s permission, Clinton met in private with Bill Daley and urged him to get the president’s full and open approval of the Panetta plan. Daley agreed such approval would be of great benefit to the action, and instructed Clinton to delay proceeding until he had secured that approval. Daley contacted Clinton within hours of their meeting indicating Jarrett refused to allow the president to give that approval. Daley then informed Clinton that he too would fully support Panetta in his actions, even if it meant disclosing the president’s indecision to the American public should that action fail to produce a successful conclusion. Clinton took that message back to Panetta and the CIA director initiated the 48 hour engagement order. At this point, the President of the United States was not informed of the engagement order – it did not originate from him, and for several hours after the order had been given and the special ops forces were preparing for action into Pakistan from their position in Afghanistan, Daley successfully kept Obama and Jarrett insulated from that order

This insulation ended at some point with an abort order that I believe originated from Valerie Jarrett’s office, and was then followed up by President Obama. This abort order was later explained as a delay due to weather conditions, but the actual conditions at that time would have been acceptable for the mission. A storm system had been in the area earlier, but was no longer an issue. Check the data yourself to confirm. Jarrett, having been caught off guard, was now scrambling to determine who had initiated the plan. She was furious, repeating the acronym “CoC” and saying it was not being followed. This is where Bill Daley intervened directly. The particulars of that intervention are not clear to me beyond knowing he did meet with Jarrett in his office and following that meeting, Valerie Jarrett was not seen in the West Wing for some time, and apparently no longer offered up any resistance to the Osama Bin Laden mission. What did follow from there was one or more brief meetings between Bill Daley, Hillary Clinton, a representative from Robert Gates’ office, a representative from Leon Panetta’s office, and a representative from Jim Clapper’s office. I have to assume that these meetings were in essence, detailing the move to proceed with the operation against the Osama Bin Laden compound. I have been told by more than one source that Leon Panetta was directing the operation with both his own CIA operatives, as well as direct contacts with military – both entities were reporting to Panetta only at this point, and not the President of the United States. There was not going to be another delay as had happened 24 hour earlier. The operation was at this time effectively unknown to President Barack Obama or Valerie Jarrett and it remained that way until AFTER it had already been initiated. President Obama was literally pulled from a golf outing and escorted back to the White House to be informed of the mission. Upon his arrival there was a briefing held which included Bill Daley, John Brennan, and a high ranking member of the military. When Obama emerged from the briefing, he was described as looking “very confused and uncertain.” The president was then placed in the situation room where several of the players in this event had already been watching the operation unfold. Another interesting tidbit regarding this is that the Vice President was already “up to speed” on the operation. A source indicated they believe Hillary Clinton had personally made certain the Vice President was made aware of that day’s events before the president was. The now famous photo released shows the particulars of that of that room and its occupants. What that photo does not communicate directly is that the military personnel present in that room during the operation unfolding, deferred to either Hillary Clinton or Robert Gates. The president’s role was minimal, including their acknowledging of his presence in the room.

At the conclusion of the mission, after it had been repeatedly confirmed a success, President Obama was once again briefed behind closed doors. The only ones who went in that room besides the president were Bill Daley. John Brennan, and a third individual whose identity remains unknown to me. When leaving this briefing, the president came out of it “…much more confident... much more certain of himself.” He was also carrying papers in his hand that quite possibly was the address to the nation given later that evening on the Bin Laden mission. The president did not have those papers with him prior to that briefing. The president then returned to the war room, where by this time, Leon Panetta had personally arrived and was receiving congratulations from all who were present.

In my initial communication to you of these events I described what unfolded as a temporary Coup initiated by high ranking intelligence and military officials. I stand by that term. These figures worked around the uncertainty of President Obama and the repeated resistance of Valerie Jarrett. If they had not been willing to do so, I am certain Osama Bin Laden would still be alive today. There will be no punishment to those who acted outside the authority of the president’s office. The president cannot afford to admit such a fact. What will be most interesting from here is to now see what becomes of Valerie Jarrett. One source indicated she is threatening resignation. I find that unlikely given my strong belief she needs the protection afforded her by the Oval Office and its immense powers to delay and eventually terminate investigations back in Chicago, but we shall see.


Well, I think Obama will go down in history as the worst president we have suffered through, that is at least in my lifetime; but even (I hope) he can’t possibly be as clueless and cowardly as the alleged “Washington Insider”. All of this makes you wonder who leaked that information and what his/her political ties are, doesn’t it? To me the first name to pop into my head was Mrs. Hillary Rodham Clinton.

In Afghanistan, the reaction to Osama’s death was nothing, not a peep from anyone around. Killing Bin Laden was a huge victory for Americans because it was personal for us but the Afghans, having a much more pragmatic view of the event, immediately concluded that killing Bin Laden will make it easier for us to leave. They are correct, but they don’t know how this is going to play out, and truly neither do I.

It doesn’t have to be this way; we should be letting the successful hunting down and killing of Bin Laden re-energize our efforts and refocus our mission while leveraging this impressive achievement with our political “allies” Pakistan and Afghanistan. But we lost control of the story because the Obama administration has too much invested in the on-going investigation of the very intelligence people who extracted the information that started this hunt. The administration has too much invested in the narrative that George W Bush and Dick Cheney were two cowboys gone off the reservation, acting illegally and recklessly when they set up the “enhanced interrogation program” (AKA “torture”). Now king Obama lectures us about the Osama’s death photos, saying “We don’t need to spike the football” that as Americans “we don’t do that”..... What?!!!!! Don’t do what?!!!!! What the hell (fuck) is he (this mother fucker) talking about?!!!!!

A good experienced leader would know a thing or two about how not to let a HUGE victory go to waste. He (the good experienced leader) would also know that those photos will leak at some point in the future and frankly there is nothing he can do to stop it, absolutely nothing. Obama might as well have used this remarkable event to elevate his stature and to seal another future election victory, but ONLY if he was big enough to act like the leader (that he was supposed to be) of the most powerful nation on earth. As the leader, he could have focused his praise on the people who worked years to put us in the position where we could launch the raid. Months ago when the mission started to come together, he could have told the Attorney General Eric Holder to quietly drop the investigations targeting the very people who performed the “enhanced interrogations”. He could have positioned himself to use this victory as a blunt instrument with which to forward the goals of the United States of America throughout this entire region.

What other country can work ten years at tracking down one man and when they find him fly stealth helicopters into the middle of another country to shoot him in the face? We are so bad ass that we sent fucking sailors to do the shooting – that’s how deep our bench is, that’s how good we are!

Instead of re-election; what he is going to get in 2012 is exactly what I believe he wants – he’ll get to be an ex-president. Wealth and affluence beyond his wildest dreams, surrounded daily by the pomp and circumstance of an ex-head of state, super cool Secret Service detail for the rest of his life, and above all, no responsibility or accountability to anyone other than Barack Hussein Obama. I’m sure he can’t wait for that and TRULY-TRULY neither can I.

What are all these people looking at? We now know it was not the mission and can deduce they were talking to the officers manning the "Bagram Death Star" (command and control room). With their story behind our mission falling apart this "iconic" photograph is becoming more and more, just a joke.

domingo, 1 de mayo de 2011


Osama Bin Laden mascó barrote... pasó al ciclo del carbono...

The terrorist Osama Bin Laden is dead and WE got his body.

Todo lo que les puedo decir es que fue una operación de alta inteligencia y totalmente humana, o sea hecha por humanos, lo que quiero decir es que no hubo proyectiles ni aviones inmiscuidos en la operación.

Esto es todo lo que hasta por ahora les puedo compartir.

¿No que No se podía? ¿Quien sigue? ¿Los Zetas?... ¡Hay te voy Viviana!

Mexicanos ustedes luchen para que su gobierno corrupto y pendejo declare a los Zetas y a todos los carteles de la droga “Organizaciones Terroristas” and WE will go and kill them ALL for you.

Me retiro a descansar, tengo varios días sin dormir o durmiendo casi nada, nos vemos luego, un abrazo y un saludo a todos.